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  • Preço: 21,00 € - 34?q=Preço
Professional bowsaw with an ergonomic handle and knuckle protection to provide a safe and efficient usage. The handle made from PP and rubber provides a very good grip in all different conditions (dry or wet). The metal frame is made in high quality steel with a robust paint to protect from rust. The saw is developed for high durability in order to be used both in the nature and on construction sites. The sawblade is made from high quality steel, C75 and the teeth are hardened and shall not be sharpened with a file. The saw is equipped with a multipurpose saw blade for best performance in both dry and fresh wood. The saw has a more triangular shaped frame in order to provide an improved access in narrow spaces.
Professional bowsaw with an ergonomic handle and knuckle protection to provide a safe and efficient usage. The handle made from PP and rubber provides a very good grip in all different conditions (dry or wet). The metal frame is made in high quality steel with a robust paint to protect from rust.
Professional bowsaw with an ergonomic handle and knuckle protection to provide a safe and efficient usage. The handle made from PP and rubber provides a very good grip in all different conditions (dry or wet). The metal frame is made in high quality steel with a robust paint to protect from rust.
Professional bowsaw with an ergonomic handle and knuckle protection to provide a safe and efficient usage. The handle made from PP and rubber provides a very good grip in all different conditions (dry or wet). The metal frame is made in high quality steel with a robust paint to protect from rust. The saw is developed for high durability in order to be used both in the nature and on construction sites. The sawblade is made from high quality steel, C75 and the teeth are hardened and shall not be sharpened with a file. The saw is equipped with a multipurpose saw blade for best performance in both dry and fresh wood. The saw has a more triangular shaped frame in order to provide an improved access in narrow spaces.
Calze a compressione graduata Solid Gear
  • Preço reduzido

Calze a compressione graduata Solid Gear

24,50 € 23,28 € -5%
Texture piena e più spessa sulle punte, collo del piede e tallone. Il morbido orlo superiore mantiene le calze in posizione al di sotto del ginocchio. Compressione graduata e ventilazione per performance ottimali. Attillate attorno al polpaccio e alla caviglia con cuciture piatte per il massimo comfort. Le calze a compressione graduata migliorano la circolazione del sangue e accorciano i tempi di recupero della muscolatura, oltre ad essere di supporto durante lunghe sessioni di lavoro o di allenamento.
Calze invernali Extreme Performance Solid Gear
  • Preço reduzido
Le calze invernali Extreme Performance Solid Gear sono l'eccellenza per l'inverno. I migliori materiali a disposizione combinati con la tecnologia più avanzata in termini di manifattura. La lana Merino stabilizza la temperatura e traspira, mentre l'imbottitura extra nel sottopiede isola e restituisce pieno comfort. Inoltre assicura protezione dal freddo intenso. L'orlo superiore mantiene le calze in posizione e la loro forma ergonomica, specifica per piede destro e piede sinistro, garantisce una calzata perfetta.
Calze pesanti invernali Solid Gear
  • Preço reduzido

Calze pesanti invernali Solid Gear

31,40 € 29,83 € -5%
Le calze pesanti invernali Solid Gear sono in lana Merino. Questa lana è un naturale convettore dell' umidità, che mantiene asciutti e piacevolmente al caldo in qualsiasi condizione atmosferica. Le calze sono rinforzate sul tallone e sulla punta. Asciugano rapidamente e sono naturalmente resistenti agli odori e al prurito.

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