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Lista de produtos da marca Hultafors
Existem 490 produtos.
Steel wrecking bar made to a slightly simpler design.
Steel wrecking bar made to a slightly simpler design.
Steel wrecking bar made to a slightly simpler design.
Steel wrecking bar made to a slightly simpler design.
Steel wrecking bar made to a slightly simpler design.
Pinch bar made from 6-square high quality steel. A wide and thin chisel make it easy to use in narrow spaces. The long and cone shaped tip is used for e.g. the mating of flange with bolt holes. The cone tip facilitates the installation of O-rings.
Pinch bar made from 6-square high quality steel. A wide and thin chisel make it easy to use in narrow spaces. The long and cone shaped tip is used for e.g. the mating of flange with bolt holes. The cone tip facilitates the installation of O-rings.
Pinch bar made from 6-square high quality steel. A wide and thin chisel make it easy to use in narrow spaces. The long and cone shaped tip is used for e.g. the mating of flange with bolt holes. The cone tip facilitates the installation of O-rings.
Ascia adatta alle competizioni e al lavoro impegnativo. Il design del tagliente rispetta quello delle asce da competizione australiane.
Blasted and clear-lacquered ironwork, with tempered striking face and extended pein. Hickory shaft.
Blasted and clear-lacquered ironwork, with tempered striking face and extended pein. Hickory shaft.
Blasted and clear-lacquered ironwork, with tempered striking face and extended pein. Hickory shaft.
Blasted and clear-lacquered ironwork, with tempered striking face and extended pein. Hickory shaft.
Blasted and clear-lacquered ironwork, with tempered striking face and extended pein. Hickory shaft.
Questa nostra ascia è un bellissimo ibrido utile a diversi utilizzi. Ha un tagliente diritto e un intaglio sotto la testa per incrementarne la precisione.
Accetta ideale per l’uso in foreste e terreni aperti. Realizzata in ferro sabbiato e laccato, è indicata anche per il giardinaggio. Manico curvo in noce americano. Protezione per il tagliente in dotazione.
La più piccola delle asce outdoor, adatta alle escursioni in montagna o nei boschi. Comoda e pronta all'uso è adatta a diverse situazioni, come al taglio della legna da ardere o alla costruzione di un riparo.
Spare handle curved shape, made from american hickory, treated with linseed oil. Increase the life span for your axe by changing the handle when needed.
Spare handle curved shape, made from american hickory, treated with linseed oil. Increase the life span for your axe by changing the handle when needed.