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Le lame di ricambio sono in acciaio d'alta qualità C75. La dentatura è temprata e non necessita di affilatura. Le lame sono state concepite per un utilizzo generico e per la massima efficacia su legno fresco e legno essicato. Sono protette da ruggine e confezionate ciascuna in busta singola.
Le lame di ricambio sono in acciaio d'alta qualità C75. La dentatura è temprata e non necessita di affilatura. Le lame sono state concepite per un utilizzo generico e per la massima efficacia su legno fresco e legno essicato. Sono protette da ruggine e confezionate ciascuna in busta singola.
Professional bowsaw with an ergonomic handle and knuckle protection to provide a safe and efficient usage. The handle made from PP and rubber provides a very good grip in all different conditions (dry or wet). The metal frame is made in high quality steel with a robust paint to protect from rust. The saw is developed for high durability in order to be used both in the nature and on construction sites. The sawblade is made from high quality steel, C75 and the teeth are hardened and shall not be sharpened with a file.
The saw is equipped with a multipurpose saw blade for best performance in both dry and fresh wood. The saw has a more triangular shaped frame in order to provide an improved access in narrow spaces.
Professional bowsaw with an ergonomic handle and knuckle protection to provide a safe and efficient usage. The handle made from PP and rubber provides a very good grip in all different conditions (dry or wet). The metal frame is made in high quality steel with a robust paint to protect from rust.
Professional bowsaw with an ergonomic handle and knuckle protection to provide a safe and efficient usage. The handle made from PP and rubber provides a very good grip in all different conditions (dry or wet). The metal frame is made in high quality steel with a robust paint to protect from rust.
Professional bowsaw with an ergonomic handle and knuckle protection to provide a safe and efficient usage. The handle made from PP and rubber provides a very good grip in all different conditions (dry or wet). The metal frame is made in high quality steel with a robust paint to protect from rust. The saw is developed for high durability in order to be used both in the nature and on construction sites. The sawblade is made from high quality steel, C75 and the teeth are hardened and shall not be sharpened with a file.
The saw is equipped with a multipurpose saw blade for best performance in both dry and fresh wood. The saw has a more triangular shaped frame in order to provide an improved access in narrow spaces.
Un accessorio per asce da spacco che viene utile quando si deve operare ad esempio su pezzi di legno particolarmente spessi. Utilizzare la superficie in acciaio temprato dell'ascia o della mazza per colpire il cuneo.
Con il suo collo smerigliato e la testa di peso medio, questa nostra ascia classica è ideale per tutte le attività all'aria aperta e venatorie.
Forsberg è una protezione multifunzionale utile per moltissime attività all'aria aperta. Protegge gambe e ginocchia quando si utilizzano coltelli o asce vicino al proprio corpo. E' utile come appoggio per accendere un fuoco e poi spostarlo. La pelle impregnata inoltre è perfetta per proteggersi da seduti o da inginocchiati.
Comoda e pronta all'uso ovunque vi troviate. Di dimensioni ottimali, permette una presa sicura proteggendo le dita e le mani da ferite da taglio. L'elegante custodia in vera pelle protegge la pietra preservandola nel tempo. Il lato ruvido ha una grana di 180, quello fine di 600. Questa è una buona combinazione per l'affilatura delle asce in generale.
Accetta ideale per l’uso in foreste e terreni aperti. Realizzata in ferro sabbiato e laccato, è indicata anche per il giardinaggio. Protezione per il tagliente in dotazione.
A Standard Tenon saw that doesn't compromise with quality.
The saw has a 0,8 mm thick C75 steel blade for stability and precision. The saw blade is reinforced with an ""back"" of aluminum for increased stiffness of the saw blade and to give straight, fine cuts. The sawblade has a tapered shape towards the tip in order to minimize the risk of overcutting the workpiece when making a precise cut.
A Standard Veneer saw that doesn't compromise with quality.
The saw has a 0,8 mm thick C75 steel blade for stability and precision. The blade has a radius shaped tip with teeth in order to make a cut in the center of a board. The 2-phase grinding provides a precise and efficient performance In many different materials.
A Standard short saw that doesn't compromise with quality.
The saw has a 0,8 mm thick C75 steel blade for stability and precision. The 2-phase grinding provides a precise and efficient performance in many different materials. The teeth of the saw blade are hardened to give a long life span and the blade has a clear lacquer to provide rust protection.
A standard saw for universal use with a high impact handle made of ABS plastic and 45° and 90° angle guide. The handle is ultrasonic welded and the saw blade is made of 0.8mm thick steel. Hardened teeth with standard 2-phase grinding for efficiency and a long life time. The narrow blade tip facilitates access in narrow spaces and when to start cutting in the middle of a board.
Professional Short saw for increased mobility and flexibility. The blade is lacquered with an environmentally friendly wax based powder coating that provides low friction and good rust protection with a minimal environmental impact. The teeth of the saw blade are hardened to give a long life and fine cuts, therefore this product fits perfectly for precision work.
Professional Tenon saw for precision work as well as cutting with miter tools. The saw blade is reinforced with a "back" for increased stiffness of the saw blade. The sawblade has a tapered shape towards the tip in order to minimize the risk of overcutting the workpiece.
Professional veneer saw for precision cut and flooring. The blade has a radius shaped tip with teeth in order to make a cut in the center of a board. The blade is lacquered with an environmentally friendly wax based powder coating that provides low friction and good rust protection with a minimal environmental impact. The saw comes with a unique and robust blade cover for easy assembly.
A saw for cutting porous stone based material.
The blade is made of 1,6 mm C75 steel for stiffness and 34 carbide teeth for efficiency and a long life span.The saw has a wooden handle that is easy to clean.
Lama di ricambio 12" per seghetto 18/24 TPI adatto per il taglio di metalli, profilati e tubi. In bimetallo per grande durata e resistenza.
Lama di ricambio 6" per seghetto 32 TPI adatto per il taglio di fogli metallici e piccole barre profilate e tubi. In acciaio SK5.