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Chalkline Chalk CLP 30

25,00 €
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Chalk line with 30 m line, metal crank and quick gear function 3:1. The house is manufactured in ABS plastic with a big opening for refilling and a cap with bayonet joint. Contains 100g of chalk. The line is braided cotton/polyester - with high absorbing chalk capacity - considerable increased numbers of distinct lines, up to 10 lines.

Référence: 652113

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Crank with ergonomic release button and knob. Crank can be locked in open and closed position. The cap is secured by the hook, no line hanging loose. Secure strap function.


·Overload protection reducing the risk for damaging the gear mechanism and the line to break.
·Release function in open and closed crank position. (Crank will not spin when pulling out line).
·Braided line with high absorbing chalk capacity - considerable increased numbers of distinct lines.
·Gear function 3:1, rewinds the line 3 times faster.
·The cap is divisible, makes it simple to replace the line.Additional Information *Model RCL 30 is a spare line. Registered Community Design No. 001230320-1/2 Patent application filed EP 10173276.6, EP 10173271.7, EP 10173290.7


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Chalk line with 30 m line, metal crank and quick gear function 3:1. The house is manufactured in ABS plastic with a big opening for refilling and a cap with bayonet joint. Contains 100g of chalk. The line is braided cotton/polyester - with high absorbing chalk capacity - considerable increased numbers of distinct lines, up to 10 lines. Crank with ergonomic release button and knob. Crank can be locked in open and closed position. The cap is secured by the hook, no line hanging loose. Secure strap function.
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