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Crayons - Cordeaux-traceurs & Poudre de Traçage
Il y a 29 produits.
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Dispenser intelligente con 10 mine per la marcatura su tutti i tipi di superficie. Dotato di fermaglio per attaccarlo ad una tasca o alla borsa degli attrezzi. Il design del dispenser protegge le mine durante il trasporto e ne espelle una alla volta soltanto. La ricarica è disponibile in 8 combinazioni di colori e le mine sono compatibili con la matita marcatore Hultafors.
Matita ergonomica in custodia con temperamatite incorporato. Questo marcatore Hultafors è facile da estrarre dalla sua custodia e non ostacola il lavoro. La forma della custodia assicura che la matita rimanga in posizione anche quando ci si muove. Il temperamatite è facilmente raggiungibile all'interno della custodia. Un foro nella sua parte inferiore invece lascia uscire sporco e residui. Mina facilmente sostituibile.
Carpenter’s pencil made from linden wood with a medium-hard lead (HB), for optimal function on wood, plaster and other soft materials.
Carpenter’s pencil made from linden wood with a medium-hard lead (HB), for optimal function on wood, plaster and other soft materials.
Carpenter’s pencil made from linden wood with a medium-hard lead (HB), for optimal function on wood, plaster and other soft materials.
Chalk line in cast powder coated aluminium housing with sliding filler cover. The line is braided cotton/polyester.
This blue chalk is the most widely used chalk. It can be used for both indoor and outdoor work.
This blue chalk is the most widely used chalk. It can be used for both indoor and outdoor work.
Chalk line with 30 m line, metal crank and quick gear function 3:1. The house is manufactured in ABS plastic with a big opening for refilling and a cap with bayonet joint. Contains 100g of chalk. The line is braided cotton/polyester - with high absorbing chalk capacity - considerable increased numbers of distinct lines, up to 10 lines.
Chalk line with 30 m line, metal crank and quick gear function 3:1. The house is manufactured in ABS plastic with a big opening for refilling and a cap with bayonet joint. Contains 100g of chalk. The line is braided cotton/polyester - with high absorbing chalk capacity - considerable increased numbers of distinct lines, up to 10 lines. Crank with ergonomic release button and knob. Crank can be locked in open and closed position. The cap is secured by the hook, no line hanging loose. Secure strap function.
This neon green chalk produces very clear lines. Can be used for both indoor and outdoor work.
This neon orange chalk produces very clear lines. Can be used for both indoor and outdoor work.
Chalk line set including 100 g blue chalk. Chalk line with 30 m line, manufactured of polystyrene with removable filler cap. The line is of twisted cotton/polyester, 1 mm in diameter.
This red chalk is an all-round chalk suitable for both indoor and outdoor work.
This red chalk is an all-round chalk suitable for both indoor and outdoor work.
This ultrablue chalk is optimised for outdoor use. It provides a strong, clear line that is extremely resistant to the effects of wind and rain.
This white chalk is the only chalk that can be covered over with paint. Used mostly for indoor work.
This yellow chalk is particularly suited to use on dark surfaces. It can be used for both indoor and outdoor work.
Concrete pencil made from linden wood with a very hard lead. Ideal if you need to mark hard surfaces such as stone and concrete.