Aluminium profile measuring 49x21 mm and weighing 520 g/m. Crush-proof block vials that are highly transparent and durable.
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Aluminium profile measuring 49x21 mm and weighing 520 g/m. Crush-proof block vials that are highly transparent and durable.
Aluminium profile measuring 49x21 mm and weighing 520 g/m. Crush-proof block vials that are highly transparent and durable.
An impact resistant spirit level made from red polystyrene plastic that withstands temperatures between –15°C and +60°C. Crush-proof block vials with very high transparency and durability. Horizontal vial with a magnification lens and luminescent reflector. Easy to clean off cement.
Aluminium profile measuring 49x21 mm and weighing 520 g/m. Crush-proof block vials that are highly transparent and durable.
A small, versatile steel wrecking bar that can be used for pulling out nails and for breaking, scraping and lifting.
Wrecking bar made from hardened, high-alloy boron steel. Wide, ground contact surfaces and thin ends make it easy to use in narrow spaces and reduce the risk of leaving marks.
Aluminium profile measuring 49x21 mm and weighing 520 g/m. Crush-proof block vials that are highly transparent and durable.
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