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SSHB-0,5H Copritagl.per 841701-760 Hultafors

37,50 €
No tax
Referencia: 840766

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16 otros productos en la misma categoría:

Handsaw HBX-22-7

37,00 €
Handsaw developed for the modern craftsmen in close cooperation with professional users. Hultafors unique teeth’s with 3-phase grinding combines efficiency and a good bite with nice straight cuts without chipping. The 1mm thick steel blade with a unique eco-friendly wax coating gives less friction and power-consuming side vibrations. The durable three-component handle has a comfortable ergonomic grip and 45 °and 90 ° angle guide. The handle is mounted to the blade with a stable safety screw which enables changing blade in a simple and reliable way. The narrow blade tip facilitates access in narrow spaces and when to start cutting in the middle of a board.

HBB Segaccio Hultafors

13,20 €
A standard saw for universal use with a high impact handle made of ABS plastic and 45° and 90° angle guide. The handle is ultrasonic welded and the saw blade is made of 0.8mm thick steel. Hardened teeth with standard 2-phase grinding for efficiency and a long life time. The narrow blade tip facilitates access in narrow spaces and when to start cutting in the middle of a board.
Un'ascia adatta ai piccoli lavori in foresta o in giardino. Il lungo manico aumenta la forza del movimento e torna utile in caso di taglio e lavorazione del legno. Prodotta in acciaio svedese forgiato a mano nella fucina di Hults Bruk. La tecnica di forgiatura risale al 1697 e prevede che la testa d'acciaio venga colpita 40-60 volte per aumentarne la densità e di conseguenza la durata.
Professional Short saw for increased mobility and flexibility. The blade is lacquered with an environmentally friendly wax based powder coating that provides low friction and good rust protection with a minimal environmental impact. The teeth of the saw blade are hardened to give a long life and fine cuts, therefore this product fits perfectly for precision work.
A Standard short saw that doesn't compromise with quality. The saw has a 0,8 mm thick C75 steel blade for stability and precision. The 2-phase grinding provides a precise and efficient performance in many different materials. The teeth of the saw blade are hardened to give a long life span and the blade has a clear lacquer to provide rust protection.
Un seghetto standard con telaio in acciaio che garantisce tagli precisi e tensione perfetta della lama. L'impugnatura ergonomica è in alluminio ed è completata da un appoggio frontale in plastica che facilita la presa. La lama può essere inclinata sulle superfici senza perdere in precisione. la tensione della lama è regolabile grazie ad un tensore a molla.

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