Tough, high impact ABS case with rubber overmould and positive action brake. Yellow, wear resistant blade with smooth blade return action.
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Tough, high impact ABS case with rubber overmould and positive action brake. Yellow, wear resistant blade with smooth blade return action.
Folding rule made from fibreglass-reinforced polyamide, affording increased resistance to moisture. End-piece of stainless steel on the first and last stick which will increase protection against wearing. Metric scale in black on both sides, and red decimetre figures.
Folding rule made from fibreglass-reinforced polyamide, affording increased resistance to moisture. Metric scale in black on both sides, and red decimetre figures.
Flessometro Bi-componente con custodia in ABS e gomma. Fornito su cartoncino appendibile.
Larghezza mm/Lunghezza m = 25/8
Disponibile in 72h
Tape with a unique one hand grip for each case size enabling optimal handling. Yellow fibreglass, 13mm blade width, with a high impact case made of ABS plastic - made to take a beat. Unique loop with added features and a type B tape start. Mouth-piece with anti-wear function. Hole hanger for strap enabling safe work at heights.
Folding rule made from fibreglass-reinforced polyamide, affording increased resistance to moisture. End-piece of stainless steel on the first and last stick which will increase protection against wearing. Metric scale in black on both sides, and red decimetre figures.
A folding rule made from anodised aluminium with galvanised steel joints. Metric graduations in black on both sides. Good resistance to moisture, heat and wear.
Tape with rubber protection at all impact points and a high impact case made of ABS plastic. Yellow steel blade graduated using highly accurate inkjet print with a matt finish allowing reflection-free reading. Rubber end-hook with clearence for internal and external measurement and integrated bump stop for blade return protection.
A Central European style blockmeter manufactured from beech wood with Swedish steel joints. The compact sides giving excellent surface for advertising printing. 3 mm thick sections giving extra stability. Metric scale in black on both sides and red decimeter figures.
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