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  • Precio: 32,00 € - 92,00 €
Tape with a unique one hand grip for each case size enabling optimal handling. Yellow fibreglass, 13mm blade width, with a high impact case made of ABS plastic - made to take a beat. Unique loop with added features and a type B tape start. Mouth-piece with anti-wear function. Hole hanger for strap enabling safe work at heights.

Tape with a unique one hand grip for each case size enabling optimal handling. Yellow fibreglass, 13mm blade width, with a high impact case made of ABS plastic - made to take a beat. Unique loop with added features and a type B tape start. Mouth-piece with anti-wear function. Hole hanger for strap enabling safe work at heights.

Tape with a unique one hand grip for each case size enabling optimal handling. Yellow fibreglass, 13mm blade width, with a high impact case made of ABS plastic - made to take a beat. Unique loop with added features and a type B tape start. Mouth-piece with anti-wear function. Hole hanger for strap enabling safe work at heights.
Tape with a unique one hand grip for each case size enabling optimal handling. Yellow fibreglass, 13mm blade width, with a high impact case made of ABS plastic - made to take a beat. Unique loop with added features and a type B tape start. Mouth-piece with anti-wear function. Hole hanger for strap enabling safe work at heights.

Long Tape Steel CC 20M

36,50 €
Tape with a unique one hand grip for each case size enabling optimal handling. White, impact resistant steel tape, graduated using highly accurate ink jet print. Protected by an additional transparent polyester top coating and a high impact case made of ABS plastic - made to take a beat. Unique loop with added features and a type B tape start. Mouth-piece with anti-wear function. Hole hanger for strap enabling safe work at heights.

Long Tape Steel CC 30M

45,00 €
Tape with a unique one hand grip for each case size enabling optimal handling. White, impact resistant steel tape, graduated using highly accurate ink jet print. Protected by an additional transparent polyester top coating and a high impact case made of ABS plastic - made to take a beat. Unique loop with added features and a type B tape start. Mouth-piece with anti-wear function. Hole hanger for strap enabling safe work at heights.

Long Tape Steel CC 50M

83,00 €
Tape with a unique one hand grip for each case size enabling optimal handling. White, impact resistant steel tape, graduated using highly accurate ink jet print. Protected by an additional transparent polyester top coating and a high impact case made of ABS plastic - made to take a beat. Unique loop with added features and a type B tape start. Mouth-piece with anti-wear function. Hole hanger for strap enabling safe work at heights.

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