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Rescue Knife OKR GH

16,50 €
Craftsman’s knife with friction grip and serrated blade that is optimized for cutting through hard or tough surfaces as well as ropes and strapping band especially where tension to the material is applied, designed with a dull point to minimise sharps injuries. It features a unique function for attaching the holster around a button on your work clothes so that it does not come loose whilst still being easy to remove. The blade is made from 2.0 mm stainless steel that has been hardened to 57–59 HRC.

Rope Knife RKR GH

16,00 €
Craftsman’s knife with friction grip and serrated blade that is optimized for cutting through hard or tough surfaces as well as ropes and strapping band especially where tension to the material is applied. It features a unique function for attaching the holster around a button on your work clothes so that it does not come loose whilst still being easy to remove. The blade is made from 2.0 mm stainless steel that has been hardened to 57–59 HRC.
Libella 2000 ha un profilo in alluminio liscio. Fiale a blocco a prova di rottura trasparenti e robuste, lente di ingrandimento e riflettore luminescente. Può essere accessoriata di guide, estensioni e cunei di inclinazione - Libella 2000 ha una misura massima di 3100 metri e permette il controllo dell'inclinazione.

Safety Knife SK

5,60 €
A knife designed with a dull point, developed and adapted to minimise sticking injuries. It features a unique function for attaching the holster around a button on your work clothes so that it does not come loose whilst still being easy to remove. The blade is made from Japanese knife steel, 2.5 mm carbon steel that has been hardened to 58–60 HRC.

Safety Knife SKR

8,20 €
A knife designed with a dull point, developed and adapted to minimise sticking injuries. It features a unique function for attaching the holster around a button on your work clothes so that it does not come loose whilst still being easy to remove. The blade is made from Japanese knife steel, 2.5 mm stainless steel that has been hardened to 57–59 HRC.

Saw Knife BK-Z SB

12,50 €

The BK-Z handle combined with the saw blade SB-18 provides this flexible saw. The saw blade is made according to Japanese specifications, it cuts on the backward stroke, meaning that it can be thin and produce a fine, clean sectional cut. The BK-Z handle is ergonomically designed for maximum safety and comfort.

Sawblade HBX BX-22-11

17,80 €

The HBX sawblade is available with three tooth sizes: 7, 9, 11 teeth/inch, for various applications. Hultafors unique teeth’s with 3-phase grinding combines efficiency and a good bite with nice straight cuts without chipping. The 1mm thick steel blade with a unique eco-friendly wax coating gives less friction and power-consuming side vibrations.

Sawblade HBX BX-22-7

18,60 €

The HBX sawblade is available with three tooth sizes: 7, 9, 11 teeth/inch, for various applications. Hultafors unique teeth’s with 3-phase grinding combines efficiency and a good bite with nice straight cuts without chipping. The 1mm thick steel blade with a unique eco-friendly wax coating gives less friction and power-consuming side vibrations.

Sawblade HBX BX-22-9

18,60 €

The HBX sawblade is available with three tooth sizes: 7, 9, 11 teeth/inch, for various applications. Hultafors unique teeth’s with 3-phase grinding combines efficiency and a good bite with nice straight cuts without chipping. The 1mm thick steel blade with a unique eco-friendly wax coating gives less friction and power-consuming side vibrations.

Lama affilata e robusta di utilizzo universale. Adatta a plastica, cartongesso, cavi elettrici e scatoloni. La lama da 9 mm viene fornita in confezione da 10 pezzi. Le lame di larghezza 18/25 mm sono fornite in scatola di quattro dispenser contenenti 3 lame ciascuno. E' possibile utilizzare la scatola come dispenser e contenitore per le lame usate.

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