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Scalpello a profilo ricurvo, affilato all'interno, che incide con un raggio preciso di 11 mm. Affilatissimo, affidabile e sempre a portata di mano quando si tratta, ad esempio, di installare serrature nelle porte di legno. Lama d'acciaio giapponese di altissima qualità, con trattamento antiruggine Electrophoretic deposition (EPD).
Livella per lavori di installazione. Robusto profilo in alluminio con magneti in neodimio. Queste caratteristiche, unite alla forma a V del profilo, consentono una salda tenuta su tubi e altre superfici metalliche. Scala a punto centrale sopra il profilo per misurazioni e posizionamento rapidi in diverse applicazioni.

Double holster made from impact-resistant PP plastic, joined by rivets and hardwearing leather. A double holster always allows you to have access to the two knives you use the most. Available in five different combinations. Once your knives have worn out, keep the holster and use it again with new knives.

Double holster made from impact-resistant PP plastic, joined by rivets and hardwearing leather. A double holster always allows you to have access to the two knives you use the most. Available in five different combinations. Once your knives have worn out, keep the holster and use it again with new knives.

Double holster made from impact-resistant PP plastic, joined by rivets and hardwearing leather. A double holster always allows you to have access to the two knives you use the most. Available in five different combinations. Once your knives have worn out, keep the holster and use it again with new knives.

Double holster made from impact-resistant PP plastic, joined by rivets and hardwearing leather. A double holster always allows you to have access to the two knives you use the most. Available in five different combinations. Once your knives have worn out, keep the holster and use it again with new knives.

Double holster made from impact-resistant PP plastic, joined by rivets and hardwearing leather. A double holster always allows you to have access to the two knives you use the most. Available in five different combinations. Once your knives have worn out, keep the holster and use it again with new knives.

Libella 2000 ha un profilo in alluminio liscio. Fiale a blocco a prova di rottura trasparenti e robuste, lente di ingrandimento e riflettore luminescente. Può essere accessoriata di guide, estensioni e cunei di inclinazione - Libella 2000 ha una misura massima di 3100 metri e permette il controllo dell'inclinazione.

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