Cutting - Hand Tools

FISKARS is a Finnish brand of professional utensils of quality and guaranteed.

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  • Price: €20.00 - €79.00
Permette di trasportare senza fatica vasi di fiori di dimensioni fino ad un massimo di cm 50x75(h). Adatto anche per il trasporto di casse di bibite. Portata kg 50.

Disponibile in 72h
Carrello pieghevole con struttura in acciaio e pala in alluminio. Estremamente compatto. Portata 100 kg. Peso 3,9 kg. Misura chiuso 70x49x6 cm, misura aperto 100x49x45 cm.

Disponibile in 72h
Cavalletto realizzato in massello di abete di prima scelta, dotato di dispositivo bloccaggio. I traversi sottostanti consentono di creare comodi piani di appoggio intermedi. Altezza cm 90. Portata collaudata kg 150. Prodotto Italiano.

Disponibile in 72h
Scale in alluminio professionali con montanti scatolati da mm 24x60 e gradini passanti profondi mm 85. EN 131 - D.lgs 81/2008. Portata kg 150.


num.gradini/altezza con pianetto cm = cerniere dx e sx

Disponibile in 72h
Handsaw developed for the modern craftsmen in close cooperation with professional users. Hultafors unique teeth’s with 3-phase grinding combines efficiency and a good bite with nice straight cuts without chipping. The 1mm thick steel blade with a unique eco-friendly wax coating gives less friction and power-consuming side vibrations. The durable three-component handle has a comfortable ergonomic grip and 45 °and 90 ° angle guide. The handle is mounted to the blade with a stable safety screw which enables changing blade in a simple and reliable way. The narrow blade tip facilitates access in narrow spaces and when to start cutting in the middle of a board.
Handsaw developed for the modern craftsmen in close cooperation with professional users. Hultafors unique teeth’s with 3-phase grinding combines efficiency and a good bite with nice straight cuts without chipping. The 1mm thick steel blade with a unique eco-friendly wax coating gives less friction and power-consuming side vibrations. The durable three-component handle has a comfortable ergonomic grip and 45 °and 90 ° angle guide. The handle is mounted to the blade with a stable safety screw which enables changing blade in a simple and reliable way. The narrow blade tip facilitates access in narrow spaces and when to start cutting in the middle of a board.
Handsaw developed for the modern craftsmen in close cooperation with professional users. Hultafors unique teeth’s with 3-phase grinding combines efficiency and a good bite with nice straight cuts without chipping. The 1mm thick steel blade with a unique eco-friendly wax coating gives less friction and power-consuming side vibrations. The durable three-component handle has a comfortable ergonomic grip and 45 °and 90 ° angle guide. The handle is mounted to the blade with a stable safety screw which enables changing blade in a simple and reliable way. The narrow blade tip facilitates access in narrow spaces and when to start cutting in the middle of a board.
Scala pieghevole in alluminio a 4 elementi e 12 gradini. Possibilita' di utilizzo in diverse posizioni di apertura. Estensione massima cm 370. Cerniere automatiche in acciaio. Portata kg 150. EN131- D.lgs 81/2008. Pianetto cm 161x30 disponibile come accessorio = pianetto

Disponibile in 72h
In alluminio estruso con montanti scatolati a sezione mm 30x65. Dotata di gradini antiavvitamento a base piana. D.lgs 81/2008. Disponibile come accessorio il piede snodato gommato antiaffondamento da cm 16x11.


numero gradini/altezza cm = piede snodato

Disponibile in 72h

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