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There are 487 products.
Adjustable plaster square with millimeter and degree graduations that can be set in four fixed positions. The stock and blade can be folded together, making it easy to store and transport and also be switch between right and left position.
Adjustable plaster square with millimeter and degree graduations that can be set in four fixed positions. The stock and blade can be folded together, making it easy to store and transport and also be switch between right and left position.
A traditional Ryoba saw with a wooden handle for the authentic feeling.
The saw has a 0,5 mm thick blade made from SK5 steel manufactured in Japan. The thin blade provides high flexibility and precision for perfect cuts when making furniture's etc.
Rotella metrica a nastro bianco in acciaio antiurto con lama da 10 mm, scala in millimetri stampata a getto d'inchiostro. Stampa protetta da uno smalto in poliestere e telaio in plastica ABS. Attacco del nastro di tipo B.
Rotella metrica a nastro bianco in acciaio antiurto con lama da 10 mm, scala in millimetri stampata a getto d'inchiostro. Stampa protetta da uno smalto in poliestere e telaio in plastica ABS. Attacco del nastro di tipo B.
Rotella metrica a nastro bianco in acciaio antiurto con lama da 10 mm, scala in millimetri stampata a getto d'inchiostro. Stampa protetta da uno smalto in poliestere e telaio in plastica ABS. Attacco del nastro di tipo B.
Set di inserti con 10 punte diamantate a torsione e 1 portainserti magnetico da 1/4 ". La zona di torsione ottimizzata assorbe la forza per ridurre la pressione sulla punta e prolungarne la durata. Le punte diamantate non scivolano fuori dalla testa della vite e si adattano bene alla vite. Il set contiene PZ: 1, 2, 2, 3 e Torx® T10, 15, 20, 25, 30 e 40, una combinazione adatta a più aree di applicazione. La clip da cintura consente all'utente di mantenere entrambe le mani libere per il lavoro, avendo allo stesso tempo accesso diretto alle punte.
Set di inserti con 10 punte diamantate a torsione e 1 portainserti magnetico da 1/4 ". La zona di torsione ottimizzata assorbe la forza per ridurre la pressione sulla punta e prolungarne la durata. Le punte diamantate non scivolano fuori dalla testa della vite e si adattano bene alla vite. Il set contiene PH 1: 2, 3. PZ: 1, 2, 2, 3 e Torx® T10, 15, 20, 25, 30 e 40, una combinazione adatta a più aree di applicazione. La clip da cintura consente all'utente di mantenere entrambe le mani libere per il lavoro, avendo allo stesso tempo accesso diretto alle punte.
Edizione limitata del modello PV. Le maniglie integrate rendono l'utilizzo della livella ancora più efficiente. Profilo in alluminio extra forte con nervature di rinforzo per la massima stabilità. Fiale Focus a prova di schiacciamento con ingrandimento del 60% in tre posizioni. Altamente resistente alla luce ultravioletta e agli sbalzi di temperatura.
Compact one-hand clamp made of fiberglass-reinforced nylon. Steel rail forged in one piece, with a slim front jaw for increased access in tight places. Pressure plates with tracked rubber pads to protect the surface and provide increased clamping force. Design with focus on compact and slim operation.
Compact one-hand clamp made of fiberglass-reinforced nylon. Steel rail forged in one piece, with a slim front jaw for increased access in tight places. Pressure plates with tracked rubber pads to protect the surface and provide increased clamping force. Design with focus on compact and slim operation.
Compact one-hand clamp made of fiberglass-reinforced nylon. Steel rail forged in one piece, with a slim front jaw for increased access in tight places. Pressure plates with tracked rubber pads to protect the surface and provide increased clamping force. Design with focus on compact and slim operation.
Compact one-hand clamp made of fiberglass-reinforced nylon. Steel rail forged in one piece, with a slim front jaw for increased access in tight places. Pressure plates with tracked rubber pads to protect the surface and provide increased clamping force. Design with focus on compact and slim operation.
Compact one-hand clamp made of fiberglass-reinforced nylon. Steel rail forged in one piece, with a slim front jaw for increased access in tight places. Pressure plates with tracked rubber pads to protect the surface and provide increased clamping force. Design with focus on compact and slim operation.
Compact one-hand clamp made of fiberglass-reinforced nylon. Steel rail forged in one piece, with a slim front jaw for increased access in tight places. Pressure plates with tracked rubber pads to protect the surface and provide increased clamping force. Design with focus on compact and slim operation.
Compact one-hand clamp made of fiberglass-reinforced nylon. Steel rail forged in one piece, with a slim front jaw for increased access in tight places. Pressure plates with tracked rubber pads to protect the surface and provide increased clamping force. Design with focus on compact and slim operation.
Compact one-hand clamp made of fiberglass-reinforced nylon. Steel rail forged in one piece, with a slim front jaw for increased access in tight places. Pressure plates with tracked rubber pads to protect the surface and provide increased clamping force. Design with focus on compact and slim operation.
Un'ascia adatta ai piccoli lavori in foresta o in giardino. Il lungo manico aumenta la forza del movimento e torna utile in caso di taglio e lavorazione del legno. Prodotta in acciaio svedese forgiato a mano nella fucina di Hults Bruk. La tecnica di forgiatura risale al 1697 e prevede che la testa d'acciaio venga colpita 40-60 volte per aumentarne la densità e di conseguenza la durata.
One-hand clamp with ratchet function allows different clamping forces. Fiberglass reinforced nylon with 2-component handles and plastic pressure plates.
One-hand clamp with ratchet function allows different clamping forces. Fiberglass reinforced nylon with 2-component handles and plastic pressure plates.