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KLY 7-0,9 SV Ascia da spacco Hultafors
78,30 €
No tax
Splitting axe made from blasted and clear-lacquered ironwork. The heavier axe is best suited to stronger wood, while the lighter axe is best suited to basic splitting of ‘fireplace wood’. The shaft is curved and made from hickory.
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·The axe is hand-forged and made from Swedish axe steel using traditional methods in use since 1697.
·The steel is stuck several times, increasing its density and thereby the durability of the axe.
·Has a clear tempered zone within which the axe can be sharpened whilst not detracting from the strength of the edge.
·The shaft is made from hickory and treated with linseed oil.
·The axe is hand-forged and made from Swedish axe steel using traditional methods in use since 1697.
·The steel is stuck several times, increasing its density and thereby the durability of the axe.
·Has a clear tempered zone within which the axe can be sharpened whilst not detracting from the strength of the edge.
·The shaft is made from hickory and treated with linseed oil.
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A professional hacksaw with a stiff & compact cast aluminum frame for low weight, maximum performance and very high blade tension. The handle is ergonomically shaped with a rubber grip for both hands to maximize the user friendliness.
Col suo manico diritto e il suo tagliente corto e stretto la nostra ascia da carpenteria assicura quella precisione che ogni artigiano esperto richiede. L'incavo per le dita sotto la sua testa permette una presa sicura, al di sopra del centro del tagliente, per tagli estremamente precisi.
Un'ascia solida adatta a lavori pesanti come spaccare tronchi e pezzi di legna in generale. La forma della testa leggermente convessa è perfetta per spaccare la legna. Manico in noce americano lungo e diritto che potenzia il movimento. Prodotta in acciaio svedese forgiato a mano nella fucina di Hults Bruk.
Axt mit sandgestrahltem und klar lackiertem Schmiedekopf zum Fällen von Bäumen in geringem Umfang. Geschwungener Holzstiel aus Hickory.
Blasted and clear-lacquered ironwork with a notch in the head near the shaft, allowing you to hold a hand directly above the edge while cutting. The shaft is curved and made from hickory.
Ascia in ferro sabbiato e laccato, ideale per l’abbattimento di piccoli alberi. Manico curvo in noce americano.
Spare handle curved shape, made from american hickory, treated with linseed oil. Increase the life span for your axe by changing the handle when needed.
Comoda e pronta all'uso ovunque vi troviate. Di dimensioni ottimali, permette una presa sicura proteggendo le dita e le mani da ferite da taglio. L'elegante custodia in vera pelle protegge la pietra preservandola nel tempo. Il lato ruvido ha una grana di 180, quello fine di 600. Questa è una buona combinazione per l'affilatura delle asce in generale.
A Standard Tenon saw that doesn't compromise with quality.
The saw has a 0,8 mm thick C75 steel blade for stability and precision. The saw blade is reinforced with an ""back"" of aluminum for increased stiffness of the saw blade and to give straight, fine cuts. The sawblade has a tapered shape towards the tip in order to minimize the risk of overcutting the workpiece when making a precise cut.
A small and versatile hacksaw in pocket size made from steel.
The hacksaw is delivered with Hultafors 6” hacksaw blade (32 TPI) for precision and performance.
Spare handle straight shape, made from american hickory, treated with linseed oil. Increase the life span for your axe by changing the handle when needed.
Un'ascia adatta ai piccoli lavori in foresta o in giardino. Il lungo manico aumenta la forza del movimento e torna utile in caso di taglio e lavorazione del legno. Prodotta in acciaio svedese forgiato a mano nella fucina di Hults Bruk. La tecnica di forgiatura risale al 1697 e prevede che la testa d'acciaio venga colpita 40-60 volte per aumentarne la densità e di conseguenza la durata.
Das HBX Sägeblatt gibt es in drei verschiedenen Zahngrößen: 7, 9 oder 11 Zähne/Zoll, für verschiedene Anwendungsgebiete. Hultafors einzigartige 3-Phasen Sägezähne verbinden Effizienz mit einem guten Biss und geraden Schnitten ohne Splittern. Das 1mm dicke Stahlsägeblatt mit einem unverwechselbaren, umweltfreundlichen Wachsüberzug, verursacht weniger Reibung und ermüdende Vibrationen.
Cambio lama senza chiavi - Cambio lama fino a 10 volte più veloce